About Me

I'm just a girl, trying to figure out the world.

Single, confused and loving it. I write about my life, and I want people to get involved and help me out. I know I can't be the only one going through this stage in my life. I write for myself, and for all the other single girls out there.

This blog started to help me get through a bad break-up and it has allowed me to gain a new outlook on life. Hopefully, by reading this, you'll gain that same refreshing feeling.

Follow my ups, downs and everything that comes with being a single girl in a world full of relationships and love.

Also, a bit about who I actually am:

  • I'm a girl living in Brisbane, Australia
  • I go to university and study Journalism
  • I love ice-cream
  • I play the guitar
  • I have abnormally small hands and feet
  • I love to laugh